

Did you know that, 90% of brain development takes place before the age of five, making these the most important years for adequate nutrition, support, and stimulation? At Winky Wanky ECD we believe that children deserve quality learning opportunities, well fed, and surrounded by supportive, positive adult relationships.

Our curriculum is founded on principles from the Bible. These themes are seamlessly integrated into all of our lessons and taught through the lens of children’s stories and fables. Concepts and ideas discussed during story time are reinforced through imaginative play and inquiry-based projects, where children have the space to relate stories to their personal experiences in creative ways.

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Learning should be fun and engaging while fostering creativity. In our ECD Programme, mathematical explorations are endless and creative – bringing smiles and laughter to little faces.

Our lessons focus on

•Numbers, Operations & Relationships
• Patterns
•Space and Shape
•Data Handling
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Early childhood is an explosive time for language development; during this time, we begin to understand and process the world around us while learning how to express our interpretations, thoughts and feelings. 

Listening and Speaking as well as Language is developed through our theme discussions and stories.  Our Poems &  Rhymes and Shared Reading   develops  our phonics and emergent reading skills.

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Life Skills

Visual Art – encourages learners to be creative and imaginative by manipulating different materials.   Our emergent handwriting skills are also developed.

Music and dancing – stimulate memory, promotes relationships, and builds self-confidence and self-discipline.

Gross Motor – Physical growth, development, recreation, and play is emphasised.

Science – Discovering the reason for unexplainable phenomena is something children will never forget.

Emotional  & Social Development – Our lessons focus on social and emotional health which includes values which enables our learners to make moral decisions.

Perception –  Our key perceptual skills include Visual  & Auditory perception, discrimination and memory,  Crossing the midline, spatial orientation, hand and eye coordination, and form perception, among others.

Let's grow together and be a bigger Family

At Winky Wanky ECD, we cherish the opportunity to be a part of your child’s formative years and take pride in cultivating a sense of wonder, respect, and kindness within our little stars. We value open communication with parents and welcome your active involvement in your child’s educational journey. 

Join us at Winky Wanky ECD and witness your child’s bright future taking shape with every little step they take.